The Power of Why: What drives me?

“People don’t buy what you do. People buy why you do it.” — Simon Sinek; Leaders Eat Last I believe that kindness and creativity can change worlds because creativity allows people to be courageous and innovative without the fear of failure. I guide people on self-publishing and writing journeys because as a child I built…

So You Want to Start a Blog?

Ayye! Nice blog how do I start one? I’ve had several people ask me this very question to where at one point writing this post was haunting me in my sleep. Instead of a step by step guide on how to start some epic blog here are some of the best tips on how and…

7 Life Lessons from 2017

If 2017 was a drinking game a lot of us would be beyond drunk. As an optimist I’m obligated to find the bright spots and the moments of celebration from 2017. Last year I made a list of things not to bring into 2017. This year I took a different approach and hope to bring…