Not my Fence

The curtains still blow in the wind yet nobody lives here. From my side, I stare at the vines hugging my fence for attention as there’s no warmth left in the house next door. I got stuck staring and wondering where the people went, what they were like, and what happened. The trash can is…

Let’s Stop Trying to Pretend the Pandemic Away

“My kid doesn’t have a bus.” “My food is taking too long.” “My furniture order won’t be here until next year.” “We need you to work longer hours.” Why are we complaining as if things were normal? America out here trying to pretend a pandemic away and that’s not how things work. That’s not how…

Freedumb is Ringing: How Not to Respond to a Pandemic

The United States government has been attempting to respond to the pandemic since March and it doesn’t seem like we’re doing much of a job at getting a handle on the pandemic. Federally, it’s the wild wild west with little to no leadership. It’s almost like this administration doesn’t believe in pandemics, science, or even…

Four Things We Should Crowdfund in 2019

Right now GoFundMe is crowdfunding more things than we ever imagined it would. Someone started one to pay for a border wall, a Canadian border privacy hedge, and even ladders to get over the border wall. The most unsurprising thing is people are shelling out millions of dollars to pay for such things.  Sitting back thinking…